So Loud

Sudipto Banerjee
1 min readJan 8, 2024

Don’t let the sun rise
It’s so mellow right now
It will again come back to its fierce being
So driven, so loud
Enough for all of us to move and hurdle through the day

Please, we beg of you
Don’t rise this time
Let this be a day when you let us rest
Let this be a day in the nest
In that undeserved purpose
In that unknown silence
In that nihilistic bliss

Don’t let the sun rise
We’re terrified of the day so compelling
He is fresh, so forward, such resilience
And we’re intimidated
Were we meant to be similar?
Were we meant to follow?
Do we have to compare each other
In regard to the sun’s grace upon us?
All apprehensions have us define our purpose

The ignorant sun
The narcissistic and restless sun
It’s time you wait for us to rise
Rise to show you what we’ve learnt
Rise to teach you our fierce being
So driven, so loud

